TECHdye-Soft Fabrıc Dyeıng Machıne

TECHdye - soft® high performance fabric dyeing machine, improved by considering the current requirements of dyeing and finishing sector, is suitable for processing all kind of heavy and light knitted and woven fabrics in tubular or open-width forms. One of the structural specification of the TECHdye - soft® is the running capability at low liquor ratios. The liquor ratio is between 1/3 and l /8 depending on kind of 1 fabric.
TECHdye - sott® have some important advantages in that low dyehouse costs thanks to the reduced cycle times and energy savings. All the functions of TECHdye - sott® is controlled and monitored by an industrial type PC, by this way the machine is entirely run as automatic.
Advantages of TECHdye -soft®
- By means of double external type heat-exchangers , high performance heating and cooling gradient
- Adjustable nozzle drive mechanism via actuator
- Double side tanks (one of them for chemicals , another one for dyestuff materials)
- Power drain, Rapid filling
- HT Drain
- Seam detection and cycle time control
- 100% Stock tank
- Turbo wash system
- By means of analog dosing system, dosing of dyes end auxiliaries carried out according to required time and curve
- Dosing capability under HT conditions
- Analoglevel control for dyeing vessel
- Automatie control by means of industrial PC